
The English Language Wing (formerly the English Language Branch) is the oldest wing at the Military Language Institute. The wing began holding English language courses in 1968 with highly qualified staff and adopted a teaching methodology that included theoretical and practical aspects through the use of computerized language labs. The teaching staff consists of the best and most skilled trainers who utilize modern educational methods that create a favourable   environment for students.

In addition to language training, the wing is responsible for simultaneous and consecutive translation tasks.

English language training sections were established in the Military divisions Command (Northern, Eastern, Middle, and Southern) and the Royal Navy command.


Recently, a training program was established for Mu'tah University cadets; only for the English language specialization students to enhance their language proficiency through teaching (12) accredited hours according to the specialization curriculum.

The wing conducts a specialized translation course for officers and non-commissioned officers of the Jordanian Armed Forces.

An intensive English language course is also held for Bachelor of English language degree holders for officers and non-commissioned officers of the Jordanian Armed Forces.


In addition, the wing's staff is qualified through internal and external courses to enhance the staff's competence level.

New teachers are seconded according to the teacher secondment standards for the Language Institute command, and the efforts are underway to second more teachers.